About Us

The Finnegan Institute is named after our founder, Dick Finnegan, and is part of the total package of employee engagement and retention solutions provided by C-Suite Analytics.
The Institute represents the very best online training and development for employee engagement and retention, based on the fresh-thinking solutions Dick has offered in his books.
These solutions have been applied across an expansive range of industries—from healthcare to software companies—and have proven to be both viable and effective. This is evident in cases where results showed a 70% decrease in employee turnover!
“I read the books but Finnegan Institute gave me the tools to IMPLEMENT Stay Interviews.”
This accumulation of knowledge began when Dick implemented business-driven solutions to immediately reduce turnover early in his career when working for a regional financial company. From there he partnered with an industrial psychology professor from Penn State, his alma mater, to study all research and every solution to cut turnover, aiming to know more about cutting turnover than anyone else on earth. These studies resulted in The Rethinking Retention Model® which became the heart of Dick’s first book, Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad.
Business Week Magazine immediately recognized that Dick’s solutions went beyond the typical employee survey/employee programs direction and excerpted the book’s first chapter around the world, saying:
“Finnegan offers fresh thinking for solving the turnover problem in any economy.”
Book two also found fast success as The Power of Stay Interviews became and remains the top-selling SHRM-published book of all time.
AMACOM, the American Management Association’s publishing division, then asked Dick to write The Stay Interview, a Stay Interview handbook for managers. Dick then authored HR’s Greatest Challenge: Driving the C-Suite to Improve Engagement and Retention to lead HR executives out of the dilemma of being accountable for engagement or retention with no authority to control them.